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How I Used Vibrational Physics to Overcome "Incurable" Illness: You Can, Too

Dr. Anastasia Chopelas Season 1 Episode 27

Discover how your body’s vibrational energy can dictate your health and well-being. In this episode, I explore the fascinating connection between vibrational and quantum physics to your biological body, revealing how these principles connect to the energy-healing process. Learn the secrets of energy fields, resonance, and frequency in a simple down-to-earth way—and how you can use these non-woo concepts to boost your health.

Join us as I break down the science of energy healing, explaining how everything from your emotions to your environment influences your body's vibrational frequency. Discover the transformative power of raising your frequency, with practical steps to reduce stress, accelerate recovery, and live a more vibrant life.

If you're intrigued by the science of quantum physics and its link to health, this episode is for you. Don't miss out on this deep dive into energy fields, quantum leaps, and the profound impact of frequency on your health.

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You might be surprised to know that your body’s vibrational energy dictates health or illness. Imagine if you guide and change this vibrational energy to accelerate recovery and live a happier, more vibrant life. In today’s episode, I’m talking about the fascinating connection, to me anyway, between vibrational science and your biological body—explaining how these principles can be applied to your body to enhance healing. You’ll discover the secrets of energy fields, resonance, and frequency, and how you can use these straightforward non-woo concepts to boost your health and well-being. Stay tuned as we break down the science in a way that’s simple, practical, and truly transformative.

Just a dozen years ago, I never imagined I would one day explain something as profound as health and the energy healing process considered to be more spiritual rather than scientific. As a physicist, I was trained to think about the world in terms of data, facts and things that are measurable.  My topic of research was in vibrations of matter — concepts that seemed so far removed from the holistic, energy-based practices of healing. When I was confronted with my own serious illness thirty years ago, my only recourse was to search for alternative healing as I was considered “incurable” or rather cause for affliction “unknown”.  

This confluence of circumstances led me to a self-help group that had a number of women practicing energy healing.  As I discovered my own ability to heal and move energy, I saw the connections between quantum physics and the transmission of energy across time and space in a way that can influence health and healing. The way energy fields interact, the vibrations that occur at the atomic level, and vibrational resonance—such principles connected to our physical bodies and health.  It was indeed a light bulb moment when I realized that the science I was engrossed in for so long could also help to understand how energy or alternative healing works and how it can be applied to improve health outcomes.

  • Understanding Energy Fields and Vibrational Science
    • One of the most surprising experiments that happened about a hundred years ago by a scientist named Rutherford was the discovery that what appeared to be solid matter was mostly empty space.  Once the details were worked out with the subatomic particles making up the atoms, namely protons, electrons, and neutrons,  if you removed the empty space from the earth, it would be barely bigger than a soccer or football field in diameter.  That’s a bit shocking, isn’t it?  
    • What is holding up the enormous volume of matter?  It’s energy.  When other experiments at about the same time discovered that the subatomic particles in atoms have measurable wavelengths, the concept that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including our bodies, was born.  It provided an enormous clue to the process of energy healing.  This means that energy alone can change an outcome.
    • Your body emits an energy field. The extent of the field, also measured almost a hundred years ago by a medical doctor, was found to reflect the health status of the bodies of animals.  For humans, a normal relaxed field is about the extent of your arm span in all directions.  
    • In those 1930s measurements, a pathogen was introduced into animals like rats and frogs.  Immediately after this happened, the energy field shrank.   However, often the animal didn’t sicken until days or weeks later, if at all.  This means there is an “incubation period” for the onset of illness.  This is good news for you because you have a chance to change your fate.   As I will mention, you can change your field by your behavior or by energy healing.  
    • From the measurements above, you can deduce that your field or aura has a bioelectric signature.  The frequency measured reflects your health status.  For example, a healthy human with a highly functioning brain has a frequency double that of an ailing person, such as one ill with cancer.  The frequency of people nearing death is half yet again.  By these measurements, it is also known that you can raise your frequency dramatically depending on what you do.  This means you have the power to change your result.  For example, laughing and joy raise your frequency.  As does prayer and meditation.  These impact you so much that they can raise your frequency from the cancer vibe to the healthy vibe.   

  • Why your interactions with the people and things around you matter.  
    • The quantum field defines the fabric of our reality, where particles and waves exist in a state of potential until they are observed or interacted with. This is called the observer effect.  The Schroedingers cat thought experiment exemplifies this.  Put a cat in a closed box with some poison.  Is the cat alive or dead?  Both possibilities exist.  Once you open the box and see it, only one possibility exists.  This means that your choice matters.  
    • Beyond the observer effect, the quantum field exists outside the bounds of time and space.  The observation of quantum entanglement is an example of this.  Without any obvious ties to one another, 20 to 30 separate particles behave in similar but opposite ways simultaneously.  Turn one particle, and they all react at exactly the same time.  This means you can affect something at a great distance without touching it, something healers have been doing, and so have you.  You might know it as prayer.  There is plenty of evidence that prayer is effective at changing outcomes.  Although much of that is still up for debate.  
    • A quantum leap in the physics world is where change happens instantaneously with no path between point A and point B.  On an atom, an electron changes energy states by absorbing or emitting light.  It changes energy by exactly the energy or frequency of the light.  But the electron is never observed as having only a fraction of that energy.  It is one of the quantum weirdnesses that we observe in the laboratory every day.  It happens so often, that we stop thinking about how weird it is and start to think of it as normal.  Both of these phenomena, distance and spontaneous events, are seen in the world of quantum physics and describe what many call medical miracles in the physical world.
    • Since all energy and matter have a wavelength, the physics of waves plays a role in how energy healing works.  Let me simply explain this interaction.  When waves interact with one another, they can add or subtract amplitude.  This is called interference.  Resonance happens when two objects vibrate at the same frequency.  If two tuning forks are exactly the same, when you ping one, the other will sing out.  If they are slightly different, they don’t interact with one another and too many different frequencies, their sounds will end up canceling out.  
    • By delivering a high-frequency energy to the body, where it naturally vibrates, health improves because of constructive interference and resonance.  When you send low energy into a body, destructive interference and dissonance lower your frequency, endangering your vitality and health or any organism for that matter.

  • The Role of Frequencies in Health
    • This means that everything in the body, from cells to organs, operates at specific frequencies. When these frequencies are disrupted—by stress, illness, or environmental factors—the body loses its vitality, leading to health issues. Steps that restore these frequencies can help return the body to its natural state of health.  Lowering stress (dissonance) by exercise, rest, laughing, meditating, letting go of your low-frequency emotions, bathing, eating a healthy diet, listening to uplifting music, praying, and drinking water all work to heal the body.  
    • Each emotion carries its own vibrational frequency.  These are carried along the meridians, each of which has resonant frequencies, much like the strings of a harp or piano.  Each of the twelve meridians can vibrate at several frequencies considered to be multiples of one another.  In music, it’s called fundamentals and overtones.  Pluck or sing a note, the resulting sound carries several frequencies that are multiples of one another.  If we look at the liver meridian, for example, the lower notes can be anger or rage, while the higher notes can be joy and happiness.  As the frequencies go up, the body is freed from low-energy emotions such as grief, guilt, anger, and terror.  These emotions are there for your protection but they don’t need to become permanent fixtures of your psyche.
    • There’s so much more to this, I’m just giving you the ten-minute tour of the connection between frequency, energy healing, and health.
  • The significance of the way waves travel through empty space for energy healing.  
    • Sound waves need a medium to travel through space, but light or electromagnetic waves, such as x-rays, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and radio waves, do not.  These are all essentially the same thing, just different frequencies or wavelengths.  
    • An electromagnetic wave has two components, the electric component and the magnetic component.  They are perpendicular to one another.  As they travel through space, their combined wave rotates around the direction of travel.  A way to remember which direction the rotation happens is the right hand rule.  Put your right thumb out in the direction of travel, your fingers will point to the direction of rotation.  
    • Why did I explain all this? You have energy receptors on your body that are called by different names, but you may know them as chakras.  There are minor ones, such as on your joints, in your palms, the bottoms of your feet, and from different organs such as the spleen, your eyes, and more.  There are major ones along the medial line of the body, top of the head, forehead, throat, etc.  This is where collections of nerve endings, and hormone and polypeptide receptors sit.  
    • They not only absorb and transmit the information inside the body, they absorb the subtle energies from outside.  We know this because you can demonstrate it using the right-hand rule.  Hang a stone, wood, or metal pendulum over one of the major energy portals like your heart. It will rotate or wag side to side.  The side-to-side wagging means they are slightly closed down.  The direction it rotates dictates whether you are leaking or absorbing energy.  
    • Watch the size, speed, and general direction of the pendulum.  Put the fingers of your right hand in the direction of the rotation, your thumb will point to the direction the energy is going, absorption or leakage.  If the rotation is small or slow, there may not be enough energy going in to help your body heal.  This means there needs to be a clearing of the emotional energy keeping you from thriving.  The aforementioned practices go a long way to open you up to healing.

Are you inspired to learn more?  I invite you to dive deeper into these concepts by going to my website at  For example, check out the episode on how to raise your frequency for better health at

There are also programs and tools designed to help you live a more vibrant, healthier, and happier life.  Check some of these out at  After you’ve enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends, and leave a review to let me know how these ideas are helping you on your healing journey.

Next time, I will explore the profound connection between emotions and frequency, in other words —how your feelings can directly influence your physical health and what you can do to help you maintain calm and grace.  Be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss it!

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